Who is Anna?


My name is Anna Lien, (Or Anna Celeste in any of my business,)  and I am the fifth child in a family of six kids. I grew up surrounded by encouraging and gifted family members who have so many talents, skills, and interests, which has only cultivated more and more passion in me. My youngest brother has fought an incredible battle over the years brought on by an extremely rare malformation involving one side of the brain. This has caused countless challenges including seizures, speech impediments, physical and mental developmental challenges, side effects from medications, and more. My brother has never stopped shining his beautiful light, and has perpetually lifted others up above himself. He has taught me to look outside myself, and to never give up in the face of a challenge. He inspires me in more ways than I can explain in this page! You can see him in my photos here, as he is a major reason for my choice to become a MnemeTherapist.

There are so many people out there that are eager for a chance to give a helping hand, and I am one of them. I am passionate about improving the way of life for the people I encounter, no matter what they are facing! This contributes to who I am, and in turn, contributes to my inspiration in all of the business I conduct. Whether it is MnemeTherapy, face painting, leading worship at my church, or any other work, I have wonderful reasons to give it my all.

